Encoder Assoluti Magnetici WACHENDORFF
WDGA absolute encoder
Robust and durable, state-of-the-art technologies
We place the greatest valueon robustness, longevity and the use of state-of-the-art technologies. These are the parameters that distinguish our developments, as with the WDGA series absolute encoders.
As far as Wachendorff is concerned, only a magnetic solution is good enough to meet these fundamental requirements, both to determine the number of steps (single-turn) and for the revolution counter (multi-turn).
The WDGA series magnetic encoders are considerably less sensitive to vibrations which constantly occur in machines and systems than in the case with optical absolute encoders with a drive unit.
Despite their compact design, the WDGA encoders outperform optical systems with drive technology by a high factor.
High-precision and highly dynamic
Wachendorff’s patented technologies, QuattroMag® for the single-turn range and EnDra® for the multi-turn range, deliver several million revolutions without overflow, with a maximum single-turn resolution of up to 16 bits and a measurement accuracy of +/- 0.09°, coupled with an excellent dynamic range of 50 µsec.
Thanks to their new high-precision and highly-dynamic technologies, these very robust absolute encoders with magnetic scanning allow for use in areas where the only option before were absolute encoders using the optical principle.
… affidabili e in uso ogni giorno in molte applicazioni in tutto il mondo!

Con questa selezione di settori in cui i nostri encoder e sistemi forniscono con affidabilità e da decenni impulsi in tutto il mondo, desideriamo stimolare le vostre idee e offrirvi al contempo referenze.
Gli encoder e sistemi Wachendorff vengono impiegati dai nostri clienti poiché sono sviluppati e fabbricati per gli ambienti più ostili.